About Silicon Valley Consulting
You are either a medium-sized or large enterprise company that displays ads on your consumer platform in exchange for revenue.
Examples: New York Times, Hulu, etc.
Your ads have moderately-low
user engagment/enjoyability.
You may have implemented a subscription service and a paywall, but you know you could make as much money as YouTube, Facebook, or The New York Times through ads.
Our team specializes in machine learning-powered ad platforms.
We can help improve/build your company an ads platform that is optimized for your user base.
At this stage, one of our consultants meets with a representative
of your company to discuss the current state of your ads platform.
A consultant, data scientist, and engineer from our team (and from our partner's team)
will conduct a multi-month analysis of your current ads process.
This process includes several meetings and user studies with your key stakeholders,
advertising clients, and users in order to determine the best ad platform system that
will improve user engagement.
After we finalize on the technical specifications needed for your self-service ads platform,
we offer you several options on how your ads system can be built based on your timeline and budget.
We will walk you through the pros and cons of each option, and will make adjustments if necessary.
Once a course of action is decided, we then work with the best engineering
partner out of our list of strategic partners.
All our partners are primarily skilled at working with mid-size and Fortune 500-level companies.
We choose the engineering partner based off of the technical specifications previously agreed upon.
Our large technical team will then work with your company's technical team (if you have one) on a daily basis, while providing bi-weekly and monthly reports to key stakeholders
in order to complete the self-service ads platform in a timely manner.
Remarkable Works
(Hover over each profile)
CEO/Priciple Machine Learning Engineer
Head of Partnerships
Frontend Engineer Consultant
Junior UI/UX Consultant
Margo is a rising sophomore at Duke University,
planning to major in Sociology and Psychology, with a certificate in Markets
and Management (MMS).
She thrives in innovative,
fast paced environments and is curious about opportunities
connecting business and innovation to drive social good.
Franklin is a rising sophomore at Duke University, studying Economics with an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate. He is interested in creating connections and driving change for social good.
Cindy Syren is currently a junior at the University of Southern California pursuing
a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Business Analytics,
Data Science, and Statistics and a minor in Political Science.
Cindy currently
works as a Data Science, Management, and Technical Writing Intern at Silicon Valley
Consulting and as a Model signed with Newmark Models. Cindy’s research focuses on
Data Science, Political Science, and Sociology.
Diana Gaspar is a senior at the University of Michigan, Ross School
of Business studying Marketing and Strategy.
She hopes to gain knowledge of sales, strategy and technology, during her summer with Silicon Valley Consulting.
In her free time, she enjoys watching rom-coms, volunteering in her community, and listening to global artist BTS
Lacey is a rising senior at the University of Michigan, studying
English with a minor in gender and health.
She spends most of her time reading,
both listening to & playing music, hanging out with her friends,
and writing.
We specialize in AdTech
We combine our AdTech specialties with our Partners' Data Infrastructre specialties in order to improve user engagement with ads.
Our partners have helped rebuild platforms such as The New York Times, HBO, Spotify, and The Daily Telegraph.
Our most international partner, with over 300 offices worldwide.
Our only partner that is recognized as an official partner of both Google and Microsoft.
One of our key partners located in Silicon Valley, while also being an official Google Cloud Partner.
WebsiteOur largest Looker and Google Cloud partner in France.
Our largest Looker and Google Cloud partner in South Africa.
The official 2019 Google Partner of The Year.
WebsiteOur only data infrastructure partner that is owned by publicly traded company worth over $4 billion.
A digital consumer platform with nearly 2 billion users
recently expanded into the eCommerce space.
When they launched their eCommerce integration into their platform,
they started to receive a lot of data on their customers.
The challenge they were facing was figuring out how to best interpret that
large amount of data to better understand how users are using the new feature.
We built a custom dashboard that updates in real-time, and visualize the whole process on how buyers and sellers are using the new feature. The following are some of the dashboard visualizations:
What ad brought them to the store
How many times did they view an ad or similar ad from the seller before they made a purchase
Number of chargebacks per user
4. What products user have engage with most
Several eCommerce stores did not know if certain posts on social media were
actually bringing in sales. They wanted to track the ROI of social media posts.
We created an AI/ML system that calculates the Return-On-Investment (ROI)
of social media posts. When a company shares a post on their social media,
this system is able to attribute how many sales occurred due to this
social media post. This system is being used by several E-Commerce companies.
Extra Info:
Additionally, due to a recent partnership, this system
has been adapted to work with an influencer marketplace website.
The aforementioned website utilizes our technology in the background
to track the ROI of Social Media Influencer Marketing paid for
by enterprise brands. We then helped this online influencer
marketplace platform build out their content bidding system.
This online reviews platform has nearly 200 Million active users.
They were interested in improve ad engagement from users.
Their hypothesis was to improve the user testimonial shown on the ad
(for the business) automatically using Machine Learning.
We helped this user platform build an automated system that would'
optimize the user review shown with each ad on their platform.
This system used AI/ML, specifically Natural Language Processing,
in order to analyze which part of any user review would be best performing
for the ad for that business that is advertising. This affected over 29 million
users and businesses. This resulted in an 8% increase in user engagement with ads.
This online platform has a large network of users constantly wanting to
learn extremely niche topics. Their hypothesis was that users would pay
to have experts answer their questions.
We helped this online user platform create a "pay for expert advice"
service in order to monetize off their users. Our task was to created an
automated AI/ML service that can identify and rank experts on any internet
subject. This service affected millions of users that either used the
platform directly or used a secondary-platform connected to that platform.
This online platform has a large network of users constantly wanting
to learn extremely niche topics. Their hypothesis was that users
wanted to only buy products recommended by experts and other users.
We helped this online user platform create an automated system that
would recommend products to users based off of posts from other users on the
This system would allow the user platform to passively monetize their
users by automatically recognizing a potential product being talked about,
determining if other users are speak highly of the product.
Then automatically creating an affiliate link with Amazon,
then automatically recommend that
product to the right users.
This system utilized a lot of AI/ML, specifically
Natural Language Processing, in order to determine positive sentiments or
negative sentiments on a potential product identified by our other AI/ML systems.
This service affected millions of users that either used the platform directly or
used a secondary-platform connected to that platform.
This online user platform has around 400 million users. They wanted to
personalize ads in order to increase user engagement with ads,
therefore also increase average ad CTR and company revenue.
We helped this online user platform create an initial version of the
"Look-Alike" feature on their ads platform.
This feature allows advertisers to upload a list user identifiers
(e.g. user's email, user's phone number, user's forum id)
in order to do targeted ads towards similar users.
This feature showed a potential increase in ad engagement by 30%.
Our Medium.com Publication
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PostWhere we break down the changes happening in culture, Marketing, & Technology